Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Promoting the bus reviews

Local area bus service review meetings have been running this week and last. The companies doing them for the Department of Transport are Parsons Brinckerhoff and Booz and Co.

Below are some examples of how the reviews are being promoted to increase participation.

1. A billboard outside the meeting venue. This was erected about a week before and is directly visible from the area's main bus stop across the street.

2. A locally-prepared information leaflet and questionaire. Provided on a table in the nearby public library. Includes a network map and some simple questions to answer.

3. A poster on a bin advertising the meeting. With tear off phone numbers.

4. A similar notice but on a shopping centre notice board. Some are also posted inside buses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds postive but:

-what effort is made to engage people who DON'T use the bus? signs near bus stops don't help

-what terms of reference? Changes, but don't affect the budget? Changes, but don't affect the "must reach every 400m nook and cranny?" Changes, but don't suggest small buses, more drivers, lower pay? changes, but don't suggest working with the community transport sector?