Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ministering to the Fabians II

A quick summary - for more see MOTC document.

Held last night. About 70 present. Transport described 'in good shape'. MOTC described as 'Not exhaustive but comprehensive'. 20%/2020 target not mentioned in speech or MOTC but minister verbally confirmed aim. Rail capacity issues urgent: new tracks, signalling, Metrol, communication, etc. Debate in 15 years time (2021) will be about new lines and service frequency. But some extra services sooner (peak, shoulder peak and late night). More local & SmartBuses. Continue 'Think Tram'. Money for accessibility. Fund for better use of transport infrastructure in rural areas (eg school buses). 90% modal share is roads so must support these too. Some new cycleways. Little mention of improved pedestrian access.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To summise, the Minister spent most of his time avoiding the difficult question.

It is a telling situation when no one in what should be a 'friendly' audience shared the Minister's enthusiasm for the completely underwhelming document.

If Bracks is serious about making Victoria the 'Place to Be' then a new transport Minister must be found.

Alex Makin