Sunday, October 13, 2019

The benefits of frequency

Even in transport not everyone gets why running our trains frequently all day makes sense. Here's an answer I gave when someone described high frequency as 'unreasonable'.

It's very reasonable. Good 7-day frequency on the heavy rail core is accepted without contest in almost every other big city. And even some smaller, less dense ones (eg Perth).

In contrast, having massive fleets of trains that only get used for a few hours a day is inefficient use of infrastructure that we're paying for 24 hours of every day. Especially for rail networks where most costs are fixed.

Work patterns have changed. Many work outside 9-5. It's not the 1950s anymore. Why shouldn't this group of taxpayers also get a good service if the trains to run it already exist?

It's like if you had an ice cream shop that offers an empty cone for $3, one scoop for $3.50 and 2 scoops for $4.00. Of course you'd get 2 scoops! Our railway is currently only a 1 scooper.

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