Monday, December 12, 2022

Welcome to ABC Melbourne listeners!

If you're here as you heard me on Warwick Long's show this afternoon then welcome! 

Melbourne on Transit is a blog about the service aspects of public transport. In a nutshell this includes routes, operating hours and connectivity. Infrastructure enable all this but generally speaking we already have enough to run a very good all-day service so I don't give it a lot of attention. 

I talk about how the network could be more useful for more people. There's special emphasis is on cost-effective improvements that work our existing train, tram and bus fleet harder for a greater overall benefit.   

I mostly discuss networks, routes and timetables though sometimes I also cover other matters such as passenger information and fares. 

My professional experience is as a bus planner with the Department of Transport with other roles in the industry before that. 

There's a lot of stuff here and reading it all will send you to sleep. But the links below might be of interest if you want to know more about public transport services in Melbourne and how they can be improved. 

Melbourne Public Transport Frequent Network Maps Click here if you want to see the most frequent routes near you. Or to compare whether your part of Melbourne has better or worse service than other areas. Maybe you're looking at moving house? These maps will help you find an area with useful public transport. 

Melbourne Future Frequent Network Think that our public transport should be better with frequent buses every few minutes along the main roads connecting with equally good trains and trams? You're not alone! Here's how inner, middle and outer Melbourne can get vastly improved public transport based on a radically reimagined network. Features an interactive map with reformed more local routes there as well.  

Click here for my take on Infrastructure Victoria's discussion paper on bus reform that came out today 

Building Melbourne's Useful Network is a feature where I take a few bus routes in a local area and discuss how they can be made more useful. Trains and trams are sometimes discussed. With over 100 items there's sure to be an item of interest for a neighbourhood near you. 

Timetable Tuesday is where I pick apart a bus or train timetable and again discuss interesting features. There's also often a lot of history (that fascinates some).

Melbourne on Transit YouTube Less active than the blog but there's a few videos on various transport topics. 

On Twitter? Follow me here to stay in touch with everything about network and service planning on Melbourne public transport.

Happy reading and thanks for visiting. 

Missed the interview? Hear it below! 

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